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Stacy Mommie April 5, 2008

amy, and Jenn,

You both know that if you need anything just let me know..I am glad that the cheer up helped....I just wanted you all to know that I always everyday think of each and everyone of you. I think of Kris daily, and visit his site everyday, sometimes more than once. Your an extended family to me, and I love you all for that. For so many years, I have went through Bethanie's death on my own. Privately, alone, with noone to talk to. I held emotions in, I never had time to tell my own Husband what I was feeling. He did not want to listen, not because he did not care, we just all grieve differently. He done that by clamming up, I had to clam up to. but because of you all, I don't have to do that. I contacted you all first to help you if you needed it. To find out, your my helpers. You have helped me more than words can say, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that...May god bless you all....

In love and in honor of our loved ones...

Amy Thanks April 4, 2008

You made my Mom's day:o) Thanks for doing that for her... she was sooo excited... Stacy you are really sweet...Thanks for all you do:o)  We just love ya!  Amy

Jennifer Thank you so much April 4, 2008

Stacy, Thank you so for the flowers that was so sweet of you,  you are always thinking of others, and one day god will bless you with something very special.  Thanks again Stacy

Love ya, Jennifer

Jennifer thank you April 2, 2008
Bethanie,  You have such a sweet mommie she says that my family has helped her out so much but what she might not realize is that she has haelped us out more than words could say, and I want to thank her for that.  My whole family just loves talking to her.  I see that some more of my sisters have got on here and lite a candle for you,  I hope that you have a great day and will talk to you soon. Love ya, Jen
Mommie mommie April 1, 2008
Well baby girl I went to visit you today. Your grave looks so neat and clean. Thanks to Meemaw..She went out there and got all those leaves off. You can really see those pinks rocks..I hope you see all the things that we have there. the roses, and everything. Me and grandma was talking and we just really miss you. When people ask me how many children I have I tell them Three. That you are my heavenly child. Could you tell Kris that Aleeyah left that necklace for him? We went by to see him today. His family has helped me more than they will ever know.....I have became such good friends with them. I love you baby, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Till we meet on  the other side......
Stacy Bethi's Mommie April 1, 2008


I hate to hear that your email is not working. I am sorry about Andrea...seeing the headstone, and when it is placed is so hard...It is finished when that goes on. I hope and pray that they will be ok...If they need me tell them just to let me know. I will go by there as soon as they set the stone. Supposed to rain today to...and tomorrow..So it could be a little bit. Love ya girlie and your all still in my prayers.


Amy e-mail March 31, 2008

Hi Stacy,

  My e-mails not working so I thought I'd drop in to say Hi...  I hope you and your family are doing okay...and I hope your husband is starting to feel better... Kristofer's headstone came in and Mom went to see it...Andrea had a real hard time... I'm sure to be expected... hopefully they'll make it through the next couple of weeks while it's being were right about the much to put in the ground... but when it dries up in it will go... off to bed to catch up on some much needed sleep... Take Care~Amy

Amy Thank You March 30, 2008


  Thank You for your touching letter to our family on Kristofer's site.  You made me cry yet another time today...but that's okay... I can't begin to tell you how my heart breaks for you... Thank You for being here for our's been such a blessing to get to know you... and I know that Kris and Bethanie are at piece and just having a blast up there.... together... I'm so glad Kris isn't alone... I don't know what he would of done without a sibling with him...since he's so used to having kids around... I sur ehopr your husband is okay... poor guy...if it's not one thing it's another... Happy Birthday Bethanie and Mommie!  Love Always~Amy

Amy Happy Birthday March 29, 2008

Dear Stacy,

  Just wanted to stop by and wish you both a Happy Birthday... Please don't worry about lil Bethanie... She's got Kris by her side... Please know that we are all here for you  so if you need anything don't hesitate to ask...  My every though and prayer will be with you esp. today... Take Care~Amy

Jessica Your in my Prayers March 28, 2008


I know tomorrow is one of the saddest days for you..Be strong and lean on God he will be there for you...I will be praying for you ...God Bless You threw out the whole day......Shes not alone...She has Breanna up there with her as well...Love and Prayers...Jess

Amy Happy Birthday March 28, 2008

Dear Stacy,

  I hope you guys have the best day possible... I can't even begin to imagine how hard this must be for you and your family... but I pray that you make it through yet another birthday for sweet Bethanie cause she'll be having the BEST Birthday Party ever... will all her new friends and family by her side... just remember...she's not alone ... she's with people who love and look after her all the time... I can imagine what your little princess will look like tomorrow...  an angel... I know Kris is watching over her everyday... and I'm so thrilled that you got your sign... wow, what a sign... the most wonderful one ever... memories of her... see she's watching over you... I'll be checking in tomorrow so if you need to talk I'll be here:o)  Happy Birthday Bethanie!  Love Always, Aunt Amy

Jennifer Old times March 28, 2008
Stacy I know that in school we did not talk much b/c you were a little bit older then me, but thats ok,  It is so neat how after school people change, and now we are friends like I knew you my whole life (in ways),  I hate that what has happen has made us become good friends but it is like they say God does things for a reason.  I wish that everything could have been different but b/c of this you have become part of our family,  I know that Amy has enjoyed talking to you and most of all mom and dad.  Thank you for going and meeting up with them,  I hate that you both know what each other are going threw.  But I am glad in many ways that they have you and you have them.  I had lost a baby 1 month before Kristofer died and that pain was nothing like when Kris left us,  I still think about the baby and pray for her/him, but I don't think about it has much as I do Kris and Bethanie and Dakota, people say that I did not have that bond with the baby like I did Kris and I know that it is true. but it still hurts no matter whay.  I hope that we can get together and talk in person oneday but we might just have to wait until the baby is born in Sept,  Then I will have all the time and it will be nice you sit with you and Jamie(Dakota's mom) and let the kids play.  God bless you and your family and talk to you soon ,love Jennifer
Katrina Graham (Moore) Touching story March 28, 2008
Stacy, I am so sorry. I could not imagine how you felt that day. She is truly a beautiful little girl. Until we see them again they will be watching over us. Katrina
Dani S. Thank You March 27, 2008

I just wanted to say that I am sorry for your loss. I saw Bethanie's Mom's post on my friend Justin Pisani's page and thought I should say thank you and my condolences to you too. Hopefully Justin and Bethanie are together in heaven taking care of eachother.

All my best,


Jennifer Baber Thinking about you!!! March 27, 2008
Stacy and family,  I'm so sorry to hear about sweet baby Bethanie she is so cute.  Someone had once told me that god does things that we know that we can handle, but why does he have to test us?  It is true but so hard to belive it,  Why does he do the things that he does???  we will someday be in heaven with all of our loved ones and I can't wait.  I love what you have done for bethanie this paig is wounderful  keep the good work up.  God bless you and your family, love always Jennifer
Amy Her apple Picture March 25, 2008

This picture that you have posted is the most beautiful picture ever...OMG... so adorable....and I love the hat:o)

Mommie Thank you to a dear friend March 24, 2008


Thank you so much..I know that she will see them all...Your such a wonderful friend...

Amy Life Stroy March 24, 2008
Okay now that I've read through her life story...I had to dry my sad... I'm sooo sorry that you ever had to go through this... but like you said...God must have needed her more.... What a great tribute to her wonderful life...
Amy Chesley I'm so glad we have somethere to visit Bethanie:o) March 24, 2008
Hi Stacy... I'm sooo excited that you made Bethanie one of her very own.... this is so your good and fast...this is awesome... I sure hope Kris and Bethanie visit here often...Thanks for inviting me to share hin Bethanie's life:o)  On Sat.  the kids and I are going to let off some balloons for Bethanie's 9th B-day.  It's a balloon she will see all the balloons coming into heaven in her honor... I got a really neat one for her at Hallmark and it had a great poem in it.... Hopefully more will join in to help celebrate her b-day and her life:o)  Thanks for sharing this site with all of us:o)  Talk to ya later...Amy
George Taylor A note for you March 24, 2008

I lost a good friend 2 days ago and was looking to this site for inspiration to make a memorial for him. I came across your page and no words could express the sadness i feel for you and your family. May God bless you and keep you strong and Bethanie is in the ever comforting arms of the Lord. May she be your north star always guiding you.

All my best



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