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mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Angel versary July 20, 2010

Bethanie N. Frost

Annell Aunt to chuckie rose June 20, 2010
I came across your angels site and read so much of your thoughts. My heart aches for you and all the families that have lost loved ones. I came to know this site because my sister lost her 19 year old son March of 2009 to a bad accident. His name is Chuckie Rose. I noticed that over the years you have come to say things happen for a reason. I also believe this. I love the Lord and God has used me with the gift of art to help grieving people many times over the last 12 years. Although when I lost my nephew of age 21 (Jeff) and my great nephews of ages 2 and 3 ( Levi and JJ) and my nephew Chuckie age 19 and my best friend age 42 all within 3 years time I was overwhelmed and my faith was so small, I wanted to quit doing art . Chuckie brought me to this site and I have lit many candles and prayed for many families. I did a painting of a baby girl from here and I believe it was Gods way of helping to want to do my art again. There is a reason , but sometimes no understanding of that reason. I just want you to know I am thinking of you and all the families on here. and if you would lik Iand it is meant to be maybe I will be painting your angel for you. God bless you always. Annell
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Happy Day in Heaven March 28, 2010




Stacy Prayers April 12, 2009

To you all....

Please pray for my little town in SW Arkansas. As many of you might know we were devestated by a tornado thursday night. SO MANY have no homes, and no insurance. Three deaths were the result of the tornado....I am finally back on the internet, but not sure if the electric will stay on!! Please pray for us all. I did not loose anything but my town will never be the same!!

The Scatto Angel's Mom HAPPY EASTER 2009... April 11, 2009




The Scatto Angel's Mom HAPPY EASTER 2009... April 10, 2009






The Scatto Angel's Mom Good Morning Beautiful Baby Girl... April 5, 2009








Good Morning Sweet Baby Girl...I just wanted to leave you a message and let you know that I'm thinking about you and your family today..You are so Beautiful sweet baby Bethnaie...May you Rest in Peace Sweetheart and go find my Angel babies, Michealah would love to play with you...

Melissa Scatto Happy Spring 2009... April 4, 2009
Melissa Scatto Hugs From Heaven... April 4, 2009







                                        Hugs From Heaven.......

When you feel a gentle breeze
Caress you when you sigh
It's a hug from Heaven
From a loved one way up high.

If a soft and tender raindrop
Lands upon your nose
They've added a small kiss
As fragile as a rose.

If a song you hear fills you
With feeling of sweet love
It's a hug from Heaven
From someone up above.

If you awaken in the morning
To a bluebird's chirping song
It's music sent from Heaven

To cheer you all day long.

If little tiny snowflakes
Land upon your face
It's a hug from Heaven
Trimmed with Angel lace.

So keep the joy in your heart
If you're lonely my dear friend
Hugs that are sent from Heaven
A broken heart will mend.

Debbie, Angel Tammy's Mom Happy Birthday In Heaven March 27, 2009

I am a little early in wishing you a very special birthday in Heaven this upcoming Sunday - March 29th...  same day as my Tammy's.  Tammy so loved kids and animals and if there is a job in Heaven - that is what she would be doing.  May both of you have a wonderful birthday in Heaven, I cannot imagine how spectacular is must be... with love, Debbie

Lead photo

Tammy Renee Smith

March 29, 1981 ~ January 30, 2003

Missing for 2 months and 1 day

Found (murdered) on March 28, 2003



Amy Hey December 3, 2008
Finally I got my computer up and working...and Kris Vm site...its been down for several weeks...I found Always thinking of you guys!  It's been crazy around here with X-mas coming...I'll write you this weekend...ttyl~Amy
Mommie/Stacy Thank you November 26, 2008

Happy thanksgiving to you all and to all of our angels in heaven with the Lord...I love each and every one of you and know that our angels are watching over us all......



Love always

Waylon Kitchens Mommy Happy Thanksgiving! November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving to you and ur family!
mommie Kayla October 9, 2008


Another friend gone today. kayla Pack. Be looking for her. She was 21 and they really don't know what happened. She just began to have seizures and passed away many times before they got her to the helicopter. They said that she had a blood clot in her lung, but tonight after many dreadful hours, the parents were getting ready to take the life support, when she passed away on her own. She was to get married next wk. To you all on here, please pray for this family, they truly truly need it right now

Amy Hi October 5, 2008

Hi Stacy,

  Thanks for your entry on Kris page!  We appreciate everything you do for all of us!  Hope you guys had fun while you were gone!  It's always nice to get away from the everyday stuff!  I can't wait to come out!  Maybe on Sat we can get together for lunch or something!  I'll give you a call or text when I get there and we can find out what works for you!  I'll be there until Monday!  Talk to ya soon!  Amy

Stacy and Aleeyah THANK YOU August 30, 2008



Aleeyah wants to tell you all thank you for the birthday wishes......It is surreal that she is 4 and sad cause I wonder what Bethanie would be like at this time. She is so excited and wanted to know this morning how old Bethanie would be, and how old Averrie will be......It was sad....yet sweet cause I know that she thinks of Bethanie....I just hope that I can keep her interested and knowing who her sister is...


Oh and Amy,

I am in college to be a teacher...this is the start of a while am wanting to teach photography....and minor in Espanol.....ha ha ha...I know that spanish is becoming more prevalent here and I need a second to you soon love always


Amy & Lindsay HAPPY BIRTHDAY! August 30, 2008

Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday Dear Aleeyah...Happy Birthday to you!  We all hope you have a wonderful Birthday...I know you sister will diffently be in on the action from she'll have the best seat in the house!  Kris too!  Happy Birthday once again...

All Our Love,

Randy, Amy, Lindsay & Brandon Chesley

Amy Hey! August 20, 2008

Hi Stacy,

  We're all doing great...minus the head colds that we seems to be passing around...ugg... I'll be glad when that's spring!  I love this time of the year for the weather but nothing else!  I'm so glad you started school...that is so great!  I'm sure it will keep you really busy esp. with the girlies!  that's so neat you want to be a teacher...what grade?????  I can't get past the 4th grade stuff... last year I stuggled helping Lindsay get through it!  lol... that's the way it goes!  Good luck with that! 

As for my Mom...she's doing okay...I'm sure you know first hand how that goes...good days and bad days:o(  I'm going to come out in Oct. the 9th through the 13th..yea... I can't wait... I didn't want them to be alone when Kris anniversary hits!  So hopefully "We" (Mom, Jen, you and I) can go to lunch and catch up while I'm there!  I can't wait to finally meet you and those precious lil girls of yours!  Will alk closer to time and plan something fun:o)

Well I better get the kiddies up to do their homework right now or it will never get oh I love homework! lol... Have a great night and we'll talk to ya soon!  Love ya~Amy

Stacy I miss August 19, 2008


Yea, I started college and that is taking up alot of my time...I needed some ME is your mom??? How are you.????I miss your emails.....our long emails...ha ha....The girls are great...growing up..aleeyah will be 4 at the end of this month...she is getting big....Averrie will be two next month. I am going to school to be a teacher. I hope that your all doing good....I am still seeing Kris, though I appear to be missing in action lol lol lol.......

This time is always hard, cause it is one of those times when you think well Bethanie would be in the 4th grade. She would be 10 and what would she be like?? Would she would be good at school? I just miss her sometimes so much.....:-(....well girl I better go cook supper...miss ya and thinking of you often


Amy Hey! August 18, 2008

Hey Girl!

Just got off the phone with my Mom and she said that you started school...that's awesome!  Congrats!  I know you'll do great!  That's exciting!  Hope the girls are doing great!  The kids started school ...and it's started out I can't believe that they grow up so fast!  Well girl...I'm off to bed so i'll write more later!  Amy

Amy Hi! August 12, 2008


  We know first hand how hetic life can be!  Hope you're having a blast with Jaren!  Can't wait to see pics from the wedding!  Have fun...we'll catch up one of these days...when life slows down...if it ever does!  Talk to ya soon!  Amy

Stacy Crazy August 11, 2008
Things have just been crazy around here. I have had Jaren, and then yesterday my sister n law calls to ask me all of a sudden to go on a three hour trip to find a wedding dress. Not to mention it has rained here for DAYS!!...Now I am off to Ft. Smith tomorrow, and this wkend also. Along with having Jaren again on Friday. I am so sorry...Amy your pictures of Andrea were WONDERFUL...she looks like you to me...Brenda HAPPY BIRTHDAY it is late I know I am sorry......I will be here in the next couple of months cause I know that October is going to be hard on ya......if you need me just let me know...K
Amy Hey! August 9, 2008
Just stopping by to visit with Bethanie for awhile!  Sounds like you've got your hands full with Lil' Jaren!  Hope you're having a blast with that lil guy!  I'm sure you all are!  Esp. the girls!  Hopefully your days are going okay!  Always thinking of you and your family!  Couple more months and Kris will have been gone for 1 year...I can hardly believe it!  Doesn't seem real yet!  It may never seem real!  Well I'm off for my to a soon~Amy
Amy Hey August 4, 2008
Your lil Milo is so dang cute!  And I love the name...after cute is that?  I'm sure the girls love him!  What a great choice on kittens... that one is so pretty!  And I'm sure much easier than a puppy!  You'll have to snap some photos of the girls playing with lil Milo!  It's been storming here all night...I love storms!  As for the walking...yeah I have lil angels with me or else I would of never ever done this in a million years...that's for sure...going on 2 weeks straight...and feeling so good! Well off to get the kiddos in bed to get ready for scholl to start next week!  Tell the girls I said Hi!  Talk to ya soon~Amy
Stacy NUT NUT NUTS August 4, 2008
That is all I can have...congrats on the walking..I know you have a angel pushing ha ha...We got us a cat...oh what I get myself into...he is a persian named Milo.....(short for Miley ha ha ha) they only had one left and he was a boy.....glad to hear that your mom and them are doing good.....Call me sometime and when you come down FIND ME girl.......I would LOOOOOOOOOVVVVEEEEE to see you.
Amy Hey Stacy! August 4, 2008

Hey girl... Good Luck on the fasting can do it though!  I started walking 3 miles a day...I'm going on day 14...I'm hooked... I never thought I'd say that... I feel so much better now!

  As for my parents they are doing fine.  Katie(Alycia's lil girl) came to visit for a couple of weeks...which was good for my parents...they just took her back!  Jen is due pretty soon... I'm sur eshe can't wait for lil Tyson  to get her!  I hope to make it down sometime to see him!  Boy number 3...better her than I think she'll be induced on Aug. 26 she said!  Should be fun!  I hope your headaches go away... I know exactly how you feel... when I quit caffine it was not pretty... but now I'm just fin...and my stomach feels much better!  Keep it up!  Off to get the kiddos in's late here...can't wait for school to start...schedules here we come... yea... they start back on Aug. 12...I just can't believe soon... but they are ready!  And so am I...ttys~Amy

Stacy LOOOOONG time he he.... August 3, 2008


we have been together for 12 and married 11. Been  alot of bumps in the road but we have made it....I am doing good, I am fasting (or trying to) and have cafiene headaches. The girls just got a new persian kitten....WHEW what do I get myself into. At least this one is liter trained and I have to do nothing else with him. He is so are you? How is your mom and dad....Jennifer don't have long to go.....I want to see him when she has him...well got to get the kids to bed...I will talk to you soon... :-)

Amy Happy Anniversary! August 3, 2008
Wow, 11 years!  Congrats to that!  Oh how the years go by to fast...don't they?  I hope you guys celebrated!  Hope you guys are all doing okay!  Hope you had a great weekend!  I hate how fast the weekend goes!  Oh well... all is good here...just working on pictures like crazy around here...I just love that photo shop paint that you got me into!  I have got my money's worth for sure!  Have a great night...Love ya~Amy
Amy OMG! July 31, 2008


Omg... I just got the chill bumps!  I can't believe it!  I had a feeling that they came to you to warn you!  What a gift you can give to her parents... God gave you that gift to give them...and what you did was believe enough to pass it on!  What strange is you wrote on the Vm site before it happened...about your dream that you had and then it happen... wow..I'm so glad that you remembered your dream!  I'm still in shock over the whole thing!  Thank you so much for keeping me updated on everything!  Hope all is well with you and the girls!  As for problems again!  ugg...always car problems... see if Kris was here he would always help me with them...:o(  too bad! Well ... I'm off to try this photo thing... on the Vm site...under the one you wrote today is a little girl named Seanna...anyway my Mom was on her site and came across this wonderful photo of her family and then they added Seanna in the pic and made the Opt. was so im going to try it for myself... have a good night,,,Love ya~Amy

Amy So Sorry! July 29, 2008


  That horrible!  I bet that was so hard... esp. a friend that you've known for so long!  Just plain hard to believe!  You sure have a lot on your plate!  I'll be thinking and praying for you!  Try and have a good night!  Amy

Stacy So Sorry July 29, 2008
On top of two weddings and a memorial cd for a funeral, I have had some issues with a dear friend who decided that in this life the only thing that she had to do to get what she wanted was to steal from me. She took money from my wallet when we were out of town with each other this wkend. She has been my friend for 22 years, yet in a instance she has thrown that all away. So beyond all the things that I have been trying to do I also have been trying to deal with this on top. I am so going to try to get more time...remember God loves you, our angels love you and I love you all.....If you need me just call.....:-)
Amy Trophy's July 28, 2008


  I just love coming on here and seeing the Trophy Picture of Bethanie!  That reminds me of my lil one who was in lots of pageants...too cute!  Hope your doing okay!  Thinking of you often! 

Love ya lots~Amy

Amy Hey July 27, 2008


  I guess God did have something in store you you!  I'm so glad they are getting a Cd... they will truly love we have... it's wonderful to be able to watch this when ever you need or want to!  It really helps!  I'm so glad you liked that necklace...I thought of Bethanie when I found it!  She must have sent me to it!  It's funny houw things happen isn't it?!  Have a safe trip to your wedding... and take lots of pics...I love seeing all your do such a great job!  Thaks for always being their for us when we need to're the best...Love ya lots~Amy

Jennifer Hello July 26, 2008
How are you doing?  I hope that some day we can egt together and let the kids play.  I told mom that maybe after the baby we will have more time and we can then do that.  How are the kids doing?  Mine ok.  Give me a call sometime when you have timw.  talk to you soon  Jen
stacy I have no idea July 26, 2008


I have no idea what that dream is supposed to mean. What ever it is I am ok with it. I was distressed for days but I have realized that God has something in store for me. And I don't know what it is but who knows. I took her last pictures and they called me last night and told me that they want a cd for the funeral like I made you for Kris's birthday. I told them that was fine. I remember seeing pictures everywhere and maybe this isthe Lord preparing me for this cd. I cry the whole time I do those. cause they are hard to do.....Well I have to travel to Paris, Arkansas today for a wedding....I am still wearing my beautiful necklace..and will continue to do it till I leave this earth :-) Thank you so much for being the best friend that a person could have...I will always always hold you dear to my heart....


Love always


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