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Brenda thinking about you May 18, 2008


I haven't talked to you in a while. Hope everything is going okay for you and your family. Gary will be home tomorrow night after 6 if you still want to talk to him about those picture's. He said he'd be happy to help you any way he can. I hope the little girls are doing okay as well as your husband. Just thinking of you and wanting you to know that your are always in my thoughts and prayers.

Love, Brenda

Amy Hey May 16, 2008
I sure hope your Dad's okay!  I can't imagine what you all are gong through...I know it had to of been so hard to go back there!  I know Bethanie was there with you though!  She's with you every step of the way!  Please know that we always think of you guys everyday!  I know Bethanie and Kris are in good hands!  It sure is hard to think of it that way... but I know that's the only way to thnk about it!  We all love ya tons... ttys~A,y
Brenda greetings May 15, 2008


We are doing okay. How about you and your family? Thanks for asking about the cemetery for Kris. They won't let us put in anything that is permanent like trees plants etc. I guess it is to hard to mow around. I think anything else is okay though. I was going to put his bench out there but decided to keep it in our back yard instead.

Love, Brenda

Stacy He is ok May 15, 2008

Hi ya'll I hope that I find you all doing well. Jaren is ok...He done fine, and is back to being a baby.. :-) Although it was hard on my dad. This is the first time since Bethanie passed away that he has set foot in Children's Hospital. Mom said that he got sick at his stomach, he kept looking at the NICU. That is where Bethanie was huh, he asked my mom. It was hard for him. I don't know if you all knew or not, but we had been to Childrens' with Bethanie once before when she was 6 months old, for a surgery. She had a problem with her belly button, and had to have it fixed. Last night was emotional for us all, I remembered when they took her from me that day for her surgery, and she was crying all the way down the hall way. I think back on the things, like that, things you wish weren't considered memories, yet they are some of the things you don't want to forget about her. Yesterday was just a down day. It is getting close to memorial day and that is always hard. I did need to ask what is allowed and is not allowed at kris's grave? Sometimes they don't want alot of things that they can't mow around. So i was wondering. I am going to get him something that won't get old or anything. Well, as I said I hope that this finds you all well....I love you all, and still tell you all if you need anything, anything at all let me know K

Love always


Amy Songs... May 14, 2008


  We are soooo alike...I love every song on here esp. Your Gonna Miss This!  My favorite!  I come here to listen all the time:o)  Hope your nephew does okay...please let us know! 

Stacy Mother's day May 12, 2008


I had a wonderful mothers day, woke up to a surprise that was wonderful. I thought of you both many times yesterday, and wondered how you all were. It is funny, Aleeyah and I went to see Kris, she is the type of child that she questions EVERYTHING...she wanted to know who he was again, and I told her...she said mom, God loves him, cause God loves everyone....I said yep he does and Kris is in heaven with bethanie. She said yea he is mommie. Just reminds me of the verse that says "out of the mouth of babes"........Well I pray that things are going well for you you both :-)

Brenda Happy Mother's Day May 11, 2008


I hope you had a great Mother's Day! This was a mother's day I will never forget.

Thanks for visiting us even while we were away.

Love, Brenda

Amy Happy Mther's Day May 11, 2008


  I hope you have A Happy Mother's Day!  I will be thinking of you today!  I am finally feeling better.  Have a wonderful day with your girls!  TTYS~Amy

Stacy Thank you beyond words May 10, 2008


Lighting a candle for Kris is something I look forward to everyday. First thing in the morning, I think Kris's site.and Kris. I went by and seen him yesterday.....Amy said that she was sick, I hate that. thank you for the mother's day wishes, these days i.e. mother's day, birthdays and things like that seem to be days that are hard for us all. You start looking back onto their births and you think alot about them that day. Well thank you for so much, you are a wonderful person, and there are no words to express what your family means to me, and there are angels in heaven saying "kris, look what a mother you have" and I can see him saying " I KNOW" Happy Mother's day to you with all my heart and from us all..

Love Stacy

Brenda many thanks May 10, 2008


I wanted to thank you for your kind words. You have become like a daughter to me as well. You will never know how much you have helped me by just lighting a candle for Kristofer. We mothers need to help each other get through  each day. Thank you for being there for me and Amy. You have become a good friend to her. I hope you have a wonderful mother's deserve it!!!

Love, Brenda

Jennifer hello May 5, 2008

how are you guys doing?  I hope that your all fine and not sick,  I'm off today but Jett is not feeling all that well, if it is not one it is always the other.  maybe oneday we can get together, and ty very soon.  I have two more weeks until we find out what we are going to have.  can't wait.  i hope that you have  a reat day talk to you soon.  Jaxon is sitting with me and keeps on asking is that your baby?  I keep telling him no, but is she pretty and he said yep, and o'man.  so sweet.


Amy Hi May 4, 2008

Hey Stacy!

  Just checking in on you guys!  I sure hope your lil one gets to feeling better...I'll e-mail ya tomorrow...have a great night...Love Always~Amy

Stacy Hey April 27, 2008
OOOOOOH I can't wait till you find out. Yea I know about the vegas thing.:-) I haven't talk to amy this wkend either. I emailed her but no answer....How are you feeling? Has the sickness gone away yet? I tell you what I was looking at Andrea's pictures on Jett and Jaxon, they are so cute...:-) jaren is doing well, he has a fever right now that noone can seem to get down. Plus his little cast on his foot. But he is growing FAST. I have not seen him since we got back, so I know that I am going to be able to tell that he has gained almost 2 more pounds....He looks so much like Jamie, and you know what is strange he looks like Telissa, even though they have different moms. Telissa just LOVES him. which is good...and it has not made her wonder where her mom is. That is something that I worried about. Well girlie let me know what that precious baby is as soon as you find out.....
Jennifer Not yet April 26, 2008
Stacy, we will find out what we are having on May 19 8:00 a.m.  have you talked to Amy in the past few day, mom and dad are in vages right now with somthing about Regis and Kelly.  I will try to call you and tell you more if you don't know already.  talk to you soon,  Jen
Stacy We are back April 26, 2008

We are back from Branson. i conintued to check Kris's page when I had the chance..I was really busy with the girls and was a good trip lots of pictures and lots of video....we had the biggest time..and you all were on my mind the whole time....wondering how everyone was doing and if you all were ok....I am really busy this next month so if I seem distant, it is because I am just busy busy...I missed you all and hope to talk to you all soon. :0) Jenn have you found out that baby yet???? Let me know as soon as you do...


Amy, Aleeyah got her pictures today when we got back. TY SO MUCH!! She was SO EXCITED....just beside herself..I went and got her, her own photo album and she is carrying it around with her everywhere.....

Jennifer hope that your having a great time April 24, 2008
Sorry that it had beena while sence that I have talked to you,  I hope that you are all having a great time at Branson.  I hope that your taking lots of pictures.  When do you guys come home?  The next two Mondays I have dr appts and then I should have some free time maybe we can get together them.  How is Jamie's baby doing?   He is so cute.  I hope that you have a great day today.  talk to you soon.   jen
Amy Have a wonderful time! April 19, 2008


  I hope you guys have the most wonderful time on your vacation!  You sure deserve it!  I can't wait to here from you on how it went...and my Mom's right...Bethanie's with you... you guys have a safe trip and we'll talk to ya when you get back!  Love Always~Amy

Stacy Tear April 19, 2008


Thank you...I remember for the longest time after she had passed away I would take a picture of her everywhere with me. It was in a frame that said Memories, I would set it where ever I was, work, home, or anywhere...I don't think that it is crazy to feel those things....I have often wanted the world to end. Just so I could go to a better place and have her. I guess it is just always the fear of the unknown...Not knowing what it is like, not knowing how it happens. I hope that things are ok and going good with you!! i thought of you alot yesterday..Everytime I pass PCDC and see your van, I say a little prayer. Just for the Lord to watch over, and guide you safely till we all meet on the other side of heaven. I know that if Bethanie was here, I would not be as "scared" of things like going on is hard to explain !! how are you feeling?? How is Gary? And the girls? You know I told Amy that there is something that just tells me that Kris is ok. I don't know how but there is just someting...???Or let's see it could be someone!!! Thank you for checking on me...I feel better today..Just sometimes those days hit you and you just feel helpless.....thank you for everything Brenda, you really don't know what it means to me.....

Brends Thinking of You April 18, 2008


I hope you have a great time on your vacation. Remember that Bethanie never leaves your side. She will always go with you where ever you go. So go on your vacation and enjoy life because she will be there with all of you laughing and having a great time along with her family. When you are on your vacation and you are eating out think of something she really enjoyed eating......order it and close your eyes and imagine her there with all of you as you savor each bite!!! I may be crazy but I imagine Kris with us all the time. I think he is always with us. The other night when Gary got the computer working (he said it was for me) I was vsiting Kristofer's site when I got a sudden chill all over! I think it was him visiting me! Crazy you think, but that's what helps me get through another day! If I didn't  believe I would just give up. I find myself thinking I wish this day would end....this year would end....this lifetime would end just so I could see for myself that he is happy and at peace, but God has another plan for me so I have to believe for now that Kris is always with me. Bethanie watch over your family and enjoy your vacation!!!

Love, Brenda

Stacy To you I give thanks :0) April 18, 2008

Brenda and Amy,

Thank you both. Sometimes you just have days yesterday was one of them...Brenda, I know what your talking about with the headstone, you know what now her headstone is kinda like her to me. I know that probably sounds crazy, but when I go and see her..I love to talk to her picture. That gives me a sense of comfort. So I know what your talking about. You guys did a WONDERFUL job on picking it out..I told my mom. I know that you don't know them, but mom you have to go and see his headstone. It is beautiful. You know I was looking around when I was there yesterday and it is the prettiest one in there !!  I try not to have bad days, cause it makes Sam have them, but every once in a while it sneaks up on me and bites me.....I think the mixture of the song, and thinking about leaving for a wk, and it all just got me.  It gets hard when your trying to explain to Aleeyah and averrie. Averrie does not ask, but Aleeyah does..She wants to know who, why, when and how. I don't want to keep it from her, but sometimes don't want to talk about it either...OK enough about me lol lol...Got to get things together, and I will see kris and Bethanie this afternoon before I leave for a wk. Thank you all for everything and just for being such wonderful people.....

Amy Thinking of you April 17, 2008

Hi Stacy,

  I'm sorry for your bad day...I'm sure there are alot of those... please know that we all think of you and Bethanie often...She's loved by all how get the chance to know her...I loved the Cricket story...It gave me chills... I hope you have a better day tomorrow.... I think that was the same guy that got Kris liver... isn't that soooo nice that he cares enough to visit...It made my day... Off to get the kiddos in bed...Love ya'll~Amy

Brenda to a dear friend April 17, 2008


I'm so sorry you are having a bad day. Thanks for visiting Kristofer's burial site. I go to visit him every day after work. It gives me a strange sense of peace visiting him there. I could stay there for hours. When I look at his headstone I imagine him sitting on top of it looking back at us and saying we did a good job of picking it out. The first time I saw it tears fell but now I feel at peace knowing he will be remembered forever. I hope your heart feels better tomorrow. If you need us we are here. Give the girls our love.

Love, Brenda

Stacy Great minds think alike........ April 17, 2008


It is an amazing song. I had to have it as soon as I heard it. I just fell in love with it. I emailed it to Amy. It would be wonderful on Kris's page. We talked for a while last night and it was so good to hear from her. Made my day. I seen that someone named Yosef had lit a candle for Kris. Is that the same man on his donor letter? How are you? I know that having the headstone in can be hard. I just fell in love with it. I love the design, the whole thing. I just love it. I just want to thank you for coming on here to light candles for know sometimes I just get down. today happens to be one of those days . I hope that your all doing is Gary? How are the girls? You know I was telling Amy that my little brother used to come out there and he just loved Danielle. I think she was like in Preschool...and he use to say oh she is just to cute....He seen her in the paper the other day and said look she is still just as cute as ever  well gotta run....hope everyone is doing well...

Brenda Thinking of You April 17, 2008

What a wonderful story. I think he was singing to her. You will not believe it but after hearing the song you've got playing on her last night on American Idol I thought maybe I could get Bryan to put it on Kristofer's site. Great minds we mothers have.

Love, Brenda

Stacy Does not do it Justice.... April 16, 2008


I went and seen kris today...Those pictures that I seen don't do his headstone justice...IT IS BEAUTIFUL!!! I have to tell you the story...Aleeyah wanted to get out and look at it. and she said MOMMIE I see myself...I reached over and picked up his angel and Aleeyah said mom I hear a grasshopper or cricket..It is was singing..and we looked at it was setting on the ledge of his headstone....I said look little baby girl he is singing to you. I thought that it was so neat...I hope your doing well......

Amy Too cute! April 15, 2008

Hi Stacy,

  I must tell you I got the Best laugh reading your letter to Bethanie!  I love the part where you said...talking to your daddy is like talking to the Mom said to tell you that we all have one of those walls!  Mom's computer is not working so she can't get on to check this site...atleast Bryan made it where they can get on Kris

' web page only...go figure!  Hopefully tomorrow it will be fixed!  I know that Bethanie and Kris and doing well... i know in my still hurts to think that there gone!  But I know that there was a reason that we just don't know yet...someday we will... and I can't wait to see Kris and meet Bethanie!!!!  What a great day that will be!  I guess Mom and Dad are visiting Kris just about everyday and polishing him I guess its a headstone that you have to polish... I sure hope you guys are doing okay...and getting ready for your'll have so much fun and I'm sure it's well needed!  I'll call you if I need to talk to ya!  Have fun and make great memories with the little ladies!  TTYL~Amy

Mommie Just thinking about you baby girl.... April 15, 2008

Bethanie, I know that you see all the letters that we write, and that you see all that we do. I know that right now is so hard on the Moore, chelsey, Baber , Graham, Petros and all the other kids...You know I kept thinking when I first got on Kris's page that I should not do this. That this family was not wanting to talk to anyone. Remember how I went and hid for wks after you passed away. I would not except phone calls or visitors. But baby I let them know that I would be there for them..and I think that you and Kris seen that I was hesitant and pushed me a little  Thank you for that. They are a WONDERFUL family..One that sticks together through thick and thin..I know that sometimes it is hard to talk to your loved ones. Talking to daddie is like talking to a wall, he just takes his emotions and puts them in the closet....Thank you and Kris for sending his family to me. Things are so much better now. I don't have to worry when I say your name to them. I don't have to hide pictures of you from them. I don't have to worry about anything, and I know that you and Kris seen that they needed me yet I needed them so much more. I love you both for that. What is heaven like? I know that it is beautiful with golden streets, and heavenly music playing everywhere. The peace and love that you all have must be amazing..We go on vacation in 5 days. You know my fears of everything. The not knowing why the Lord took you always scares me. I think what if it was something in my future that he was saving you from? What if there was someting in your future? I know that one day when the Lord comes back and the dead are resurected and we are all given new names and new bodies, that then the Lord states that the secrets shall be shouted from the mountain top. I know that my faith must remain strong, my heart never dieing. So that day I can see you running open armed to me...I miss you baby...and love you more today than yesterday but not near as much as tomorrow. I will see you on the other side of heaven...and I will finally get to meet Kris...What a wonderful day that shall be..Watch over the Moore family and all their children bethie and kris. they need you now..... 

Matthew 19:14 "suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of  heaven"

Matthew 21:21-22

"jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.

And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive"

Brenda Get Well Soon April 11, 2008

Just read about Sam having nightmares. I hope that he will someday be able to let it all out for his sake. Bethanie visit your daddy to let him know that you are always by his side watching over him.  Stacy I hope you get to feeling better. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. Thank you for wanting to do something for Kristofer. We would love it as would he.

Love, Brenda

Amy Hope Sam's feeling better:o) April 11, 2008


  I hope everything is okay... I can't even begin to imagine what you two have gone through...  my heart goes out to both of you... I'm so sorry that he's have a rough time right now.  Just remember we are all here for you...and we just love ya to death!  I've been thinking a lot about Bethanie and Kris lately... I'm sure there just fine... take care of that throat of yours...not to ya later...

Love ya~Amy

Stacy STREP April 11, 2008


Thank you...there are so many things that he seen that day, and cause he holds it in he looses it sometimes..This is the time..>Well thank you for everything..I have to go and take my meds, I have strep and lost my voice so go figure.....

Love always


Jennifer Thinking about you April 11, 2008
I hope that Sam is doing ok,  I hate that he is having bad dreams you guys have gone  threw enought and don't need anything more..We will pray for him.  god bless you and your family, talk to you soon have a great day, Love ya, Jen
Stacy Mommie April 11, 2008


I will look I think I do...We learned our lesson with Bethanie. We get loads of pictures now, and make sure that we tape everything we do with them. Could everyone keep sam in your prayers. He is having nightmares really bad...I will talk to you soon....thank you to you all I love you alll for coming on here and being a support for  really really don't know how SPECIAL you all are to me....




Jen hello April 10, 2008
Stacy, do you have a picture of you and Bethanie I would love one next time that you are in walmart will you drop one off you have it, thanks  I hope that your doing ok and I have my computer back so I will be able to write you again.  Have a great day, love Jen
Jessica On my Mind April 8, 2008
Just wanted to let you know you are on my mind...Thinkin and Praying for you!!
Stacy So funny April 8, 2008


You know one day i did the same, but it was the thunder, and I told Aleeyah that it was God moving his furniture around. She said OK (beings that she loves to move the living room around) and a little bit later after a loooong storm she said "mom, God sure can't make up his mind" I had to laugh, since she was so serious...they are wonderful little angels, and I always think about the verse that says "from the mouth of Babes is my name perfected" I love it....How are you feeling? We are getting ready for that vacation. I have never went on a vacation before..and I am at a loss, making sure that I HAVE EVERYTHING. And I know that I am going to forget something LOL>.....How are your boys doing? They are so cute. I can't believe that it took that long to get cookies....they would have been ruined by then LOL LOL.......Well I guess I better run thank you for coming on here.....I hope your day is wonderful....



Jen just to say hi April 8, 2008
Stacy, When Amy says that her mail runs SLOW she mean SLOW  I had sent her some christmas cookies 4 days before christmas and they said that they would get their by christmas, WEll they got their two weeks after New Years.  So may be oneday it will get to her LOL ( Come on Randy what do you do at work  lol  )  I have to tell you something that Jett said,  he has asked my why it si rainning?  And I had told him because Jesus is crying,  today he asked why is Jseus crying so much?  I did not know what to say about that I just told him that he is just sad today.  They are so funny.  I hope that you have a great day today.  Love ya, Jen
Stacy Mommie April 8, 2008
Brenda, You really don't know how many tears I shed when reading your email. I have always wished that I could just say "I MISS HER" and someone not turn their head not wanting to talk about it..I want to thank you for that. Amy has became a dear dear friend to me. More than words can express. I know that there were little hands playing in that. I really do hold you all so close to my heart. I don't think that it is celebrate his birthday..I take balloons to Bethanie every year. Me and the girls go out there and we visit her. I had a boyfriend that passed away when I was 16. We did that forever for him. We had birthday parties with cake and the whole works. We would take and for gifts we would find things to put on his grave. I think that is a great idea. It will help you all on that day. I know it will. You know Kris's birthday is on the 22 and Bethanie passed away on the 21st. If you all need me during that time don't hesitate. I can't wait to see his headstone. I know that your all ready. I hope that everything and everyone is ok. Thank you all for being the sweetest, most wonderful family that I have met in a lOOOOOOONG time. Love always
Brenda From one mother to another April 7, 2008

Stacy, I am so glad that you can finally remember your beautiful little girl out loud. I want you to know how much you have helped my family too. Just knowing that you care enough to visit Kris helps me make it through another day. Always talk about Bethanie so that her memory will be with you forever. I think talking about our lost children is the only thing that will keep us going. Only another mother could ever know what we are going through. Well, I think Amy knows how we feel because she became very close with Kristofer that last year. She said it feels like she lost one of her own children. I wish it didn't feel that way for her because I know how painful it is for her. Having a good friend like you has helped her alot. Thank you for that. Bethanie and Kris are together I'm sure and they are both watching over all of us until the day we are reunited with them in heaven. Tonight Gary said the most touching thing since we lost Kris. He said that I was probably going to thing it was strange but he wanted us to celebrate Kristofer's birthday this July....cake and all!!! I can't put into words just how happy that made me feel. I will visit you tomorrow. Love to you and your family. Have a fun vacation, and a safe one.

Love, Brenda

Amy Thank You April 7, 2008

Hi Stacy,

  Thank You soooo much for that beautiful card and pics of the girls!  They are soooo adorable:o)  My daughter Lindsay just loved them too!  You have been such a great friend to all of us in our time of need!  I'm just glad we can be of some help to you!  8 years is long enough to keep everything bottled up:o)  Besides You and Bethanie deserve it!  Thanks again for the card!  You're too sweet:o)  TTYL~Amy

Amy Thanks April 5, 2008

Hi Guys~

  Stacy please tell Aleeyah Thank You from the bottom of my heart!!! What a sweet Lil' Angel you have here with you...too cute!  That gave me a much needed smile today!  Thanks for your friendship you have given to our family! 

  No letter yet... our mail runs SLOW!!!!  I need to talk to my husband about Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend...TTYS~Amy

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