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Amy Thinking of You! July 24, 2008
Omg...Stacy...I just read what you wrote on Kris site...I can't believe it!  I'm at a loss for words!  I'm sooo sorry!  Last night as I read what you wrote ...I couldn't help but wonder what you dreamt about...and then when you wrote that was shocked...What happen to you is exactly what Joh Edwards said started to happen to him at a very young age...he said that everyone has the gift... whether or not they use it is up to each individual....and whether or not someone truly believes...from what it sound had a dream and they were trying to warn  Again I'm sooooo sorry!  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!  Love ya~Amy
Amy You're welcome! July 24, 2008


  I'm glad you got your necklace!  Sorry it took soooo long...I thought they would have gotten it there in I sent a card too...but I'm sure it will take awhile:o)  Thank you for all your kind words on Kristofer's b-day!  It helped us so much!  Just knowing that you've been through the exact same thing we are going through right now!  Thank you for Kris' balloon...that was so thoughtful of you and the girls!  I know Kris and Bethanie can see all of the beautiful things we give them!  It's good to have friends like yourself around... you have helped me more than you'll ever know!  Thank You from the bottom of my heart!  You're a sweetie!  Love ya~Amy

Brenda Thinking of You July 21, 2008

Dear Stacy,

I just want to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers today. I know how hard it is going to be on you, but remember that you are not alone and Bethanie is not alone either. She has Kris looking out for her.....Love, Brenda

Amy Thinking of You July 21, 2008


  Please know that you are being thought of today and everyday for that matter!  I know today is going to be extrememly hard on you and your family!  But Please know that we are all here for you!  Sweet little Bethanie is in good hands!  I know that Kris and her are celebrating this year!  She's not alone!  Wish I could of been there to finally meet you...but things didn't work out as planned...someday though!  Until then... please take care...Love ya~Amy

Brenda just a note July 21, 2008
Stacy I noticed that when you wrote a letter to Kris that you put none next to relationship......I know Kris  thinks you are really one of his best friends and an  important part of his family. I would be honored as I know he would be too if you were to put friend....Love, Brenda
Stacy true....and thank you July 20, 2008


You know I think that during grief we say and do things that are not us!! My husband told me that I killed Bethanie right after she passed away. That was his way with dealing with it. He wanted to blame someone, so he found me and blamed me. It put a strain on my marriage really bad. For him and his mom to think I did it. That I intentionally let her pass away. I thought that it was going to take me under, loosing her and now the only "part" of her that I had was him and he thought that I did it. He tells me now that he should have never said that but it was his way of dealing with life at that time. I know that there are times when you feel so down, that is ok. I had a mother write me a letter after Bethanie passed, she had a son who had died of cancer and she told me "be strong if you like, but remember that breaking down is not a is a strength and takes courage to show your true feelings" I have always remembered that and knew that no matter what I would never be in this alone, and if the only thing that I could take from Bethanie's death was my ticket to heaven. I got that ticket after having asked the Lord to forgive me and I know that I will see her!! I love to talk about Bethanie and Sam will over time. I say over time, even though it has been 8 years, but he will I just know it. I know that people come on here and probably think "I don't see a grandma or aunt or anything like that." Well that is because they would think I was crazy and I have not told them about this page. Just a hand full of people know about it, and that is the way that I wanted it. I don't want them to look and think in their minds that after 8 years that I have lost it. I have not, I just think that writing down your feelings are good. I did that in a notebook after Bethanie's accident. I wrote letters to her, to the Lord, to the devil and made sure that i wrote down what I was feeling. the anniversaries are hard, yet I know that Tuesday will be HARD for you and your family. i want to tell you that I am here for you also. You know it is just so weird that her ann. and Kris birthday is the next day. Like we were meant to go through this together. Even after all this time. I just want to get through tomorrow so that I can work on getting myself ready for the next year. I always say "one day down and a lifetime to go"!!!!  Thank you for being there and just remember I am ALWAYS here....

Love always


Brenda From me to You July 19, 2008

Dear Stacy,

I feel the pain you are going through and I would give anything to make it easier on you. I hope you know that I am hear to listen and I will never judge you. Talking about Kris is the only thing that has kept me sane through the last few months. Sometimes I think people would  think I'm going crazy if they knew how I talk to Kristofer through letters online. But you know what?.....I decided that if this helps me  that I can't be bothered with what others think about me. When I was at  work at PCDC there was another woman whose daughter died about 10 years ago that worked with me. One day she told me she didn't understand how Gary & I could talk so openly about Kristofer. She was so bitter and I felt so sorry for her. I would talk about him as if he was still with us and I know it made her very uncomfortable......but all I can say to that is I feel so sorry for her. I talk about Kris every day because I never want to forget anything about his life. He was a blessing sent to us for only a short time and for that I'm grateful. Bethanie was a blessing sent to you and your family too. Even though she was only here for a litlle while, just think what a difference having her  made in your life. Nothing can ever take away your memories and I truly believe or I should say I know that one day you will be reunited with her just as I will be with Kristofer. I know that you ask yourself why? and could I have done anything to change what happened?  I too ask myself the very same questions over and over and I know that nothing I could've done would have changed the outcome of that horrible day! I know that God has a life plan for each one of us and that plan is set into motion the day we are all born and we can not change what God has already decided.  God doesn't do things to hurt us. Sometimes it's hard for me to believe that though. You too probably have a hard time believing that. I think it's okay for us to ask why and to wonder what if..... I also felt guilt and so did Gary. In fact the other day was a bad one for both of us. I finally broke down and said things that were on my mind and when I saw him cry like a baby it nearly broke my heart. I told him he spent to much time trying to get our kids to listen to him about thier futures, and that if Kris (he was the only one of our kids to listen to him) had not listened to him that maybe he would still be alive! As soon as those hurtful words left my mouth I felt terrible that I had hurt Gary that way, but I also felt a strange sense of peace as if a great burden had been lifted off of my shoulders. Now, we can begin to heal together I think. I hope that someday your husband can have his burden lifted from his shoulders so that he too can begin to heal. Nothing and I do believe nothing either of you did or didn't do that fateful day could've changed anything that God had already decided. God needed both of our children more than we did and as hard as that is for us to believe I know with all of my heart that it is true.  I know that Bethanie and Kristofer are living in the most beautiful world imaginable and one day we to will be living there with them. With the day that Bethanie went to Heaven coming up on Monday, please know that you and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. Bethanie's memory will be with us all forever. I am always here to talk to and so is Amy. Judge not that we be not judged.


Love, Brenda

Amy Hi! July 19, 2008

Hi guys!

  Just stopping in tho check on you all!  Hope your having a great weekend!  Kris and bethnaie have been on my mind for a couple of days now!  I guess cause everything is hitting at once!  Hopefully your doing okay!  I will be thinking about you on Monday!  Have a great day:o)  Amy

Amy Hey July 19, 2008

Hey Stacy!

  Just stopping by to say Hi!  I see that your reunion is coming up!  Have lots of fun!  Just know that we are all here for you around this esp. hard time!  We always think of you!  Wish I could of been there for the anniversary/birthday!  I know that they are together so that's al that matters!  If you need me... I'm home all weekend:o)  ttys~Amy

Stacy Dread/peace July 18, 2008


You to are on my mind daily. I come to the computer with only you and your family and kris on my mind. Monday will be hard yet, there is a peace this year knowing that for the first time in 8 years I am not alone in this..I want to thank you and your family for this.....I miss her dearly, and have knowing that I will see her some day. I am praying and thinking of you all for Kris's birthday. To know that Him and Bethanie are spending their days together is such a comfort. I loved visiting with you and my girls (aleeyah) keeps saying that Kris looks like him mommie. She seen you on the Regis and Kelly show, (i was watching the videos) on Kris's page....she said hey Kris looks like his mommie. That is the lady we seen in walmart...ha ha..she is such a nut sometimes. This next wk will be hard on the both of us...just know that I am here for you..that first birthday and first year is so HARD...It is hard to go through this without family...not that my family don't care cause they do, but I can't tell them my REAL feelings, for fear of them being hurt again. Sam refuses to talk about it and won't go out there. He has been out there maybe 3 times since she passed away..He just has to deal with it in his own way. My girls, Averrie really, looks like Bethanie to me. Averrie acts just like her. I was thinking about Bethanie alot last night and Averrie did something and I said NO BETHANIE don't do that. It was like some strange word had came out...will ttyl Sam has came home.....

Brenda Thinking of You July 18, 2008

Dear Stacy,

Thank you for being such a wonderful friend. It's people like you that make this world a better place to live. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family on the 21st. I know that it will be a hard day for you, but know that you are never alone. Tell, Aleeyah and Averrie it was a pleasure to finally meet them both. They are beautiful reminders of their older sister Bethanie. I know that she watches over them keeping them safe and she will be watching over her entire family on the 21st. I think of all of you every day and wish you love and peace at this difficult time of the year.

Love, Brenda

Edwina~mum to Troy Mitchell Thinking of you July 7, 2008

I came across your little angel's website by accident when I typed in the wrong name. I am so pleased I did. It brought tears to my eyes reading her page especially the very touching poem "Streets of heaven". I can tell how very much she is loved by her beautiful website and the many candles. Bethanie has the most adorable smile I have ever seen, She really touched my heart, I looked at her pictures for a very long time, she is a real little princess. I can feel your pain and the void she has left in your lives and know there is nothing I can say that can ease your heart ache, I pray that you find some comfort in knowing that others care. My son Troy who is very much older is also an angel, he was fantastic with children. He adored his nephew and niece and would often call around to spend time and play with them never failing to put a smile on their faces.  I have no doubt that  Troy would give  Bethanie heavenly hugs and kisses from her mommy and daddy should there paths ever cross.    ~ Edwina Mitchell  

Mommie/Stacy To you all July 4, 2008

I hope you all have a wonderful ( as much as possible) Fourth of July. I pray that all of you have a wonderful day. Can you believe the seat that our children/grandchildren and loved ones have for the fireworks!! They have the best seat in the house. I know that tonight they will watch over all of us,and as you all look up into the sky just think of them on the other side of that firework smiling down with excitement as they see the rockets. May you all have a blessed day and know that if any of you need me I am here.

May God bless you all




Stacy Grma Rose ^i^ June 29, 2008

Thank you so much for the messages that you add to Bethanie's page. I know that Brittany and Bethanie are in heaven with each other. Watching over us all. May the Lord bless you so much and your angel continue to sprinkle you with angel dust....

Love always





There is a special angel in heaven that is a part of me.
It is not where I wanted her,but where God wanted her to be.
She ws here but just a moment like a night time shooting star,
and though she is in heaven she isn't very far.
She touched the heart of many like only an angel can do.
So I send this special message to he heaven up above.
Please take care of my angel and send her my love.
Stacy I am ok..... June 28, 2008

Hey i am fine...this month will be hard, but I know that more than anything it will be hard on your family. I want you to know that I love you all, and i am thinking of you always...Kris and bethanie are in heaven and are looking down on us and they are going to sprinkle angel dust on us and watch over us all. Things have been crazy....and I tried to see Jennifer today, but Averrie got mad in walmart. I will be sending you your gift soon, and taking her's and your mom's by to them...I just want you to know Amy that there are no words to tell you how much I am THANKFUL for you and your family...your a blessing......


Love you always


Amy Hi Stacy! June 28, 2008

Hi Stacy,

  Just checking on you!  I'm sure you are swamped with pics and all... just know that we are always thinking of you guys!  Esp. this month:o)  I know its going to be hard on you...just know that were are always here for you!  I hope you guys have a great weekend...we are boating in the morning so I better get to bed... have a great night...Love Always, Amy

Amy Just Checkin' on ya! June 22, 2008

Hey Stacy,

  Just stopping by to see how your doing?  I hope you guys are having a great weekend!  We are thinking of you always!  I know what ya mean about being busy!!!!  It never stops!  Well off to to ya soon~Amy

Stacy Making it June 16, 2008


Things have been crazy. I feel like such a bad friend having not talked in a while..To you or your parents or Jenn. Things have been up, and down....Shane's passing was hard, yet I had to keep my head up for his mom. Also i have taken pictures of ball teams everynight for the last two wks. I then had a maternity session Sat, and two little kiddos this morning. Things have just been NUTS. I miss emailing and talking to ya...I have been going on Kris's site...and just been passing through on them all. How is everyone feeling? How is everyone doing?? I miss ya and hope to hear from you soon...


Jenn, How are you doing? I am sorry...I could not find you if I wanted to at that photo center. I don't even know where they moved the crazy thing ha ha ha...How are you feeling? How is Jaxon, Jett and little bundle Tyson?? Sorry, like I told Amy, I feel like a horrible friend, and wish I had so much more time than what I have had here lately. I hope this finds you well....



I am so sorry that things have been NUTS for me,and I have been such a bad friend, not talking or checking on you sooner. I always want the whole family to know that I AM here if you need me. I may or may not be online alot anymore, but I am always here, and you have my number.....I hope that your feeling ok. I know that the next month is going to be so hard...I will be Praying and will place a balloon on Kris's page for his birthday. Also, i am attepting to make you something for his birthday along with Amy and Jenn.....I hope that this finds you also in good spirits....

Amy Hey! June 13, 2008


  Just stopping by to check on you!  I know you've had a lot on your mind... so don'[t feel stressed about responding!  Just wanted to make sure you are okay!  I know these days have been so diffucilt on you and everyone around you!  I hope you all are just doing okay!  Talk to ya soon!


Brenda condolences June 6, 2008


I am so sorry to hear about your young friend. We will keep boy young men in our prayers and their families also.

Love, Brenda

Stacy Prayer and angel dust June 6, 2008

Hey to you all, we all need prayer at this time....A family friend was killed in a 4-wheeler accident last night. Shane was a single father of one little girl named Piper. Piper's mom had not wanted her and Shane being the father took her and was raising her. He was loyal to his family, and loved that little girl with everything that he had. She is going to miss him so bad. His mother is not doing so well, Shane was her baby of three, As we all know that this is the hardest thing for a mother/sister/aunt and friend to endure. Along with Shane was Aaron Goodner, Aaron was a father of two little girls. Jadelynn was 5 and Abree is 3 months old. These boys were so young still, even though Shane was 31 and Aaron was 25. Please pray for these families, pray that they are lifted up and the Lord puts his hand on them. Ironically enough, both boys were riding 4-wheelers together and hit head on, killing them both..Please Lord, I pray that your with this family at this time. Watch over them, guide them and comfort them. Lift their heads and wipe the tears that will forever be there. Dear Lord, we as mothers/sisters/aunt/and friends beg that you let us live our lived to serve you and you only...


Thank you all


Stacy Thank you June 6, 2008


Things are best as it can be  I am just so busy and when I get really tired, I have a hard time sleeping. I just miss her sometimes to the point that I want to stop breathing...But then I feel better and then I go is so hard when Averrie talks...Oh Amy if you could have seen Bethanie and met her you would know that she is just like Averrie. Looks alot like her and acts totally like her. That makes it hard, but I wonder sometims if there is something there...I hope things are ok with you and yours....I seen your mom today but I was busy as a bee.....I was wondering would they mind if for Kris's birthday if I put a happy birthday balloon out there? I always do Bethanie's and was wondering if I could out there. Thank you for checking on me...I am sorry I have been such a bad friend here the last couple of days, and wks..I have just been so busy. I seen that  a lady named Janice had signed a candle?????? Is she the last reciepient? Well girlie, I love you all to death and i must go to bed....Thank you for being there for me and being the BEST friend in the world...


Love always


Amy Hey! June 5, 2008

Hi Stacy,

  Just popping in to say HI!!!!  I sure hope your okay!  I can't imagine how hard each and every day must be for you and Sam!  My heart just breaks for you when I see that you're thinking about her more and more!  It makes me soooo sad for you as a Mom.... I will pray that you have a good weekend...Thanks for that poem thingy... I loved it...I think my Mom has it on a bench or stepping stone!  Not sure which...I love it though...and sooooo true!  You're so sweet to always think of us!  I'm soooo glad we found such a great friend like yourself!  Remember we are always thinking of you each and everyday!  You're not alone.... we are all in this togther...sounds like HSM ...heehee... Have a great to ya soon... Did you see the Mena Star... yet another write up for Regis and Kelly!  Many good things come from a small ttys

Love ya~Amy

stacy Would have loved to June 3, 2008


I wish I could have seen Amy. I will most certainly see her in July. Is everything ok? Thank you for going by to see Bethanie...You really really don't know how much that means to me. I try so hard to take care of her out there. Even though there is no grass and it is baron most of the time....We are going out there to paint the rocks again, I know that their loosing their color. I thank you from the bottom of my heart,and I know that Kris is watching over you so much.......I really hope that things are going ok....I know that the next few months will be hard with Kris's birthday coming up...just know that I am here if you need me K

Stacy Angel Dust June 3, 2008


You never know what our angels are able to do :-) Glad that you all had a good time at your cabin, even though it was COLD!! I want to thank you for going to see Bethanie. I try so hard to take care of her grave...I always say that even though she is gone from this earth, we are still taking care of her. Like she never left....I hate to hear all that you shared with me Amy. I keep praying that things will be so much better. And I hope that it will. Well gotta run, got pictures to work on. Hate to hear about your dad!! Maybe something better will raise itself to help him. TTYS Love ya always


Amy Hey.... June 2, 2008
I can't believe how much Sam won....Wow... that's awesome... I too know that Bethanie had a hand in that!  Isn't that great....what a neat sign.... hopefully Kris will have a hand in my next a motorhome for my parents.... lol... long shot but you never know... our 'Angels' have special ways of doing things for us when needed... I am soooo glad you guys had sure needed that...and I am glad I got to go visit Bethanie and Kris and my parents....I needed that!  Well off to get the kiddos under control so I'll talk to ya tomorrow!  Amy
Brenda Thank You June 2, 2008


Thank you so much for putting the beautiful plaques on Kristofer's grave. Tell your little one that I love them and that I know Kris loves them too. I am happy you and your family made it home safely. I hope you had a wonderful time. I wish you could've been here when Amy was down. She would've liked to have seen you. She is going to try to come down in July for Kris's birthday so maybe you girls can get together then.  Well, I think summer is here!!!! I hate the hot weather. Can't wait for winter!!! When Amy was down we visited Bethanie and Kris on the same day. I know they were looking down on us and smiling. Well, it's getting late so I'll talk to you later. Have a great week.



Stacy We are back June 1, 2008

Hey everyone,

We are back. We had a good time, but am so glad to be back home. Nothing like home. Jenn how are you doing? Amy, I MISSED YOU!!!!, Brenda, how are you? I know that Kris and Bethanie was with us the whole time. Sam had the best luck and a little bit of angel dust, he won $1670.00 in a bass tournament. I know that Bethanie knew our situtation and knew that he needed that money. You see the day after that he was in his boat and lost his tackle tears he knew that he could never replace the 1000.00's of dollers of things in that box, but since he won that tournament he can...I can't wait to talk to you all I know I have missed so much...I will have pictures on here soon...


Love you all



I thought of Kris and Bethanie and you all so much this last 9 days.......

Amy Have a safe trip! May 23, 2008

Hey Girl!

  Have fun camping...I know I will!  lol... I'll be thinking about ya when your gone!  You guys have a wonderful time and enjoy yourselves!  Talk to ya when you get back!  Hve a safe trip...

Love Always~Amy

stacy Leaving May 23, 2008

I am leaving this morning for 9 days. I won't be able to get on kris, or Bethanie's sites. Please know that I am with you all and I pray that they both stay with us as we are at the lake. I can't sign a candle or write anything, so I wanted to let you all know that I am thinking of them and you always.


Stacy Jennifer....... May 22, 2008
We are fine...thank you...I hope things are ok with you and the kiddos. I went to see Kris today, and could not figure out how to open the gate...I have things to put on Kris's grave....something to set on his from me and one Aleeyah got for him.....I hope that the gates are open tomorrow....I am so happy for you on Tyson. I know that he is a true blessing.  Maybe more than we all know.....I wish that I had more time......the kids are so hectic, and now I am doing softball and baseball I am really busy...we are leaving for the lake tomorrow morning, and will be gone 9 days...whoa, I hate to camp..wel I hope to talk to you always Stacy
Jennifer Hello May 22, 2008

How are you doing?  Hope that you are all ok,  sorry that I have not talked to you in a while but as you know we have so much to do with our kids.  I will try to get on my computer at home and be able to write you and talk to you more.  I have to go now talk to you soon.   Jen

Amy Have fun!!!! May 20, 2008


  I hope you guys have a blast on your trip.  I know you will...I guess were going up North for our lil trip...camping...not much of a camper...I guess I can learn... as long as I have a REAL bathroom and running water I will survive!  lol... Have a great night!  TTYS~Amy

Stacy I am ok May 20, 2008


Thank you for checking on me. We are all fine....We are so busy with getting ready for a 9 day trip to the Lake for memorial day. gary does not know how much I appreciate him helping he did....How are you? I hear your having another grandson? I know that your all excited...We went by and seen kris yesterday and I am going by tomorrow to see him. How is your job? Things going ok?  I need to bring Aleeyah and Averrie buy and let you meet them. Though Aleeyah is not much of a socialite LOL LOL....Until she gets to know you. Really thank you for checking on me and I pray that your all ok. I think of you often, and pray for you all......I know that he is watching over you all.....I will talk to you soon. :-)

Love Ya'll


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